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Reiki Therapy

Intuitive Reiki: Merging Healing Energy with Intuitive Insight. Intuitive Reiki is a transformative healing practice that combines the soothing power of Reiki energy with the intuitive insights of the practitioner. This fusion creates a holistic approach to healing that addresses not only the physical body but also the emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of your well-being.


The Essence of Intuitive Reiki:

At the heart of Intuitive Reiki is the belief that energy flows where it's needed most. In an Intuitive Reiki session, the practitioner acts as a conduit for universal life force energy, directing it to areas of imbalance and tension within your energy field. What sets Intuitive Reiki apart is the added layer of intuitive guidance. Practitioners use their intuitive abilities to sense blockages, emotions, or areas of concern that require attention.


The Healing Process:

During an Intuitive Reiki session, you'll typically lie down fully clothed while the practitioner lightly places their hands on or near your body. As Reiki energy flows, the practitioner's intuition comes into play. They may receive insights, sensations, or images that provide deeper understanding into the root causes of your challenges. This intuitive guidance enhances the healing process by addressing underlying emotional or mental factors contributing to your well-being.

















Benefits of Intuitive Reiki:

Intuitive Reiki offers a multifaceted approach to healing. Beyond the relaxation and stress relief typical of traditional Reiki, the intuitive component adds a layer of personalized insight. Practitioners can guide you through emotional release, help you gain clarity on life situations, and facilitate a deeper connection to your own intuition and inner wisdom. Reiki has been scientifcally proven to help alleviate pain, trauma, and heal medical issues. With energy therapy, genuine intention to heal at the atomic level takes place. Changes at the genetic level can help alleviate mental and physical diseases, which are most often connected (Shrihari TG 2017).


Empowerment and Transformation:

Intuitive Reiki goes beyond addressing symptoms; it empowers you to take an active role in your healing journey. By understanding the emotional or mental origins of challenges, you gain tools to address these aspects in your daily life. This practice can lead to profound personal growth, increased self-awareness, and a stronger connection to your intuitive self.


Embrace Healing on All Levels:

Intuitive Reiki is an invitation to experience healing on multiple levels – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Through the skilled hands and intuitive guidance of the practitioner, you'll embark on a journey toward balance, transformation, and a deeper understanding of your unique path to well-being.



Curious to know more? Check out this video on how Reiki works:



Reiki Practitioners

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Jennifer Dennison LMT, RM

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Erica Leone ABD, RMT (not taking new clients)

History of Reiki

Reiki is a form of alternative therapy that originated in Japan in the early 20th century. Its history is rooted in the life and teachings of Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist monk and spiritual seeker. Here is a brief history of Reiki:


Mikao Usui (1865-1926): The founder of Reiki, Mikao Usui, was born in Japan in 1865. He grew up with a deep interest in spiritual and healing practices and embarked on a lifelong quest to understand how to facilitate physical and spiritual healing.

Reiki's Discovery: According to Reiki tradition, Usui's journey led him to a spiritual retreat on Mount Kurama in Kyoto, Japan, in the early 20th century. It was during a 21-day meditation and fasting retreat that he claimed to have experienced a profound spiritual awakening and gained the ability to channel healing energy.

Development of Reiki System: After his awakening, Usui developed a system of healing that he called "Reiki," which is often translated as "universal life energy." He began to teach Reiki to others and established the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, an organization dedicated to the practice and teaching of Reiki.

Spread of Reiki: Reiki initially gained popularity in Japan, primarily through Usui's teachings. One of Usui's students, Chujiro Hayashi, further developed the system and opened a Reiki clinic in Tokyo. Hawayo Takata, a Japanese-American woman, learned Reiki from Hayashi and introduced it to the West in the mid-20th century.

Reiki Lineages: Over time, various Reiki lineages and schools have developed, each with its own approach and variations of the practice. The two main branches are Usui Shiki Ryoho and Usui Reiki Ryoho, with numerous sub-lineages and styles within these branches.

Reiki in the West: Hawayo Takata is often credited with popularizing Reiki in North America and other Western countries during the mid-20th century. She trained several Reiki Masters, who, in turn, began teaching and spreading Reiki across the Western world.

Modern Practice: Today, Reiki is widely practiced worldwide, both as a form of self-care and as a complementary therapy to support physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It is offered in hospitals, wellness centers, and by individual practitioners. While Reiki's origins are rooted in the teachings of Mikao Usui, it has evolved and adapted over the years, and various Reiki Masters have contributed to its development and spread. Reiki continues to be a popular and accessible form of holistic healing with a growing community of practitioners and enthusiasts globally.

Reiki Lineage

Reiki Lineage

Our Reiki lineage is unique! We're 12th in line from the Reiki creator, Dr. Usui, and the original line of Reiki, Usui Reiki Ryoho. So, you're not just getting any Reiki; you're getting a more direct and purer form, along with a rich oral tradition that sets us apart from the rest.

I. Dr. Mikao Usui, Japan
II. Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, Japan
III. Hawayo Takata, Hawaii
IV. Iris Shikuro/Virgina Samdahl
V. Arthur Robinson
VI. Jim Davis
VII. Gavin Rowley
VIII. Linda Ball
IX. Bobbie Perkins
X. Marveena Wells Meek
XI. Carla Mae
XII.  Jill Kline
XIII. Erica Leone  I  Heather Bickford

XIV.  Jena Sternberg I Jennifer Dennison

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