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Reiki Training (Attunements).

The Reiki attunement process is like hitting the reset button for your spiritual and energetic self. It goes on for 21 days, helping to open up your energy channels, chakras, and fields. During this time, you become more in tune with the universal life force energy and start feeling the vibrations of the universe. It's all about reconnecting to something we're all connected to but often forget about because our lives get so hectic.


Think of it like this: as we go through life, we pick up all sorts of unnecessary baggage and energy that can weigh us down. An attunement is like a fresh start, clearing away all that stuff and the ego that sometimes holds us back.


When you go through these attunements, you're not only helping yourself personally, but if you're a practitioner, it'll also boost your abilities. It's like leveling up to become your better, higher self.


Reiki Lineage

Reiki Lineage

Our Reiki lineage is unique! We're 12th in line from the Reiki creator, Dr. Usui, and the original line of Reiki, Usui Reiki Ryoho. So, you're not just getting any Reiki; you're getting a more direct and purer form, along with a rich oral tradition that sets us apart from the rest.

I. Dr. Mikao Usui, Japan
II. Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, Japan
III. Hawayo Takata, Hawaii
IV. Iris Shikuro/Virgina Samdahl
V. Arthur Robinson
VI. Jim Davis
VII. Gavin Rowley
VIII. Linda Ball
IX. Bobbie Perkins
X. Marveena Wells Meek
XI. Carla Mae
XII.  Jill Kline
XIII. Erica Leone  I  Heather Bickford

XIV.  Megan Collingwood I Rachael Cole

Individually Crafted 1 on 1 Classes

Reiki I

This is an initiation class. Using an attunement from Dr. Mikao Usui, you will work through the physical, mental and esoteric energy fields to allow for a higher vibration. This attunement gives you the bandwidth to do Reiki on yourself.


Curriculum includes:

  • Attunement Ritual

  • Reiki history overview

  • Reiki methods for yourself

  • Instructive handouts

  • Certificate


2 hours I $500

Reiki II

This class will further attune your Reiki abilities unique to yourself. The 21 day process will working through energy fields will elevate to an even higher vibration. This attunement gives you the bandwidth to do Reiki on yourself and others in a non-professional manner.​


Curriculum includes:

  • Attunement Ritual

  • Develop and focus your Reiki abilities

  • Reiki symbol usage overview

  • Reiki methods for others

  • Instructive handouts

  • Certificate


Due to the nature of this attunement, BTV policy requires at least a 3 months span after Reiki I. 


2 hours I $500

Reiki III

​This class is for those that are searching for final attunement mastery. In this class you will deepen your healing and intuitive abilities, as well as how to develop your own style. This attunement gives you the bandwidth to do Reiki professionally.


Curriculum includes:

  • Attunement

  • Grounding/Caring your energy fields

  • Master Healing symbols overview

  • Reiki methods for professionals

  • Instructive handouts

  • Certificate


Due to the nature of this attunement, BTV policy requires at least a 3 months span after Reiki II. 


2 hours I $600

Reiki Master Teacher

This class is for teaching other the secret and sacred healing methods of Reiki hand crafted by by Dr. Usui. You will learn the process of Reiki I, II and III attunements. Teaching and curriculum methods will be discussed and developed. 


You must have a proven Reiki III certification before attending this course. 


4 hours I $900

Reiki Master Teacher

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Erica Leone ABD, RMT

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